You need to be prepared, just in case

We must bear in mind that no company in its lifetime is spared from difficult situations, such as an economic, political, social, etc. crisis. Sooner or later, any business must face problems, which may be internal, due, for example, to incorrect decision-making, or external decisions, caused by reasons outside the company. For these situations not to lead to serious economic problems, it is very important to carry out a correct communication of crisis. By adopting the right strategies, it will be easier to minimise the negative impact of crises on business functioning.

In other words, a crisis may affect its financial structure, people and even the reputation of the organization or trademark, endangering its own survival of the company.

It should also be borne in mind that the phenomenon of globalisation, technology or rapid access to information has meant that large corporations operate on a global scale, multiplying their power, but at the same time their vulnerability. Let us think for a moment about the vulnerability resulting from the use of social networks, where the speed of news and commentary spreads. It is barbarous as an improvement in technology, and at the same time as it has made us change. People are increasingly aware of these facts.

This, on the other hand, confirms to us that the crisis is occurring in increasingly complex environments where uncertainty prevails, which is why management, at the same time, requires more complexity, knowledge and specialisation. This is why the company must organize and manage well in order not to decay and make a crisis plan. Be prepared to give answers as soon as possible or rather to know how you will act at every moment.

To minimise the negative impact, the organization will define communication strategies, which will allow its crisis situation to be effectively acted upon together by protecting its reputation from the company and preserving the business.
The company must monitor in real time what is commented on in its brand image, a good apology and show respect publicly causes the customer to forgive mistakes, recognise weaknesses or weak points a company has, and it is also a key point. In short, a deteriorated relationship, with effort and dedication, can be reconstructed.

It is also important to know how important corporate social responsibility is at this point, in order to generate a good image for its customers, employees, shareholders, society, the environment. That is to say to act correctly. Not to confuse it with a marketing or sponsorship campaign, its aim is to improve competitiveness and its added value, respecting human rights, fair treatment, self-realisation, non-discrimination.

In conclusion, I think that the good behaviour, becoming a good corporate citizen, of the company is vital, in order to move forward and create a good image for our stakeholders. This will help us to create a virtuous and talented circle.

Laia Delgado  & Eva Marquillas

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