Why choose UManresa

We will see what attracted two students, Roxana Popa and Paulina Gonzalez, to continue
studying Business Administration and Management at Fub, because they had previously
studied the higher degree at this same university.

Choosing a university degree is a crucial step in the life of any individual, as it defines not only
their professional future, but also their personal interests and aspirations. Among the numerous
options available, Business Administration and Management (ADE) emerges as a versatile and
fundamental discipline in the contemporary business world.
They began studying the higher degree in Administration and Finance at the FUB, because they
liked the professional opportunities it had, and the learning method that the university proposed.
When they finished the higher degree, which was very satisfactory, they liked the proposal of
being able to do the ADE degree in 3 years, and having completed the two years of
administration and finance, they combined subjects in the degree and were offered to do the
degree saving a year. Also, the learning format that they were shown with simulations and real
cases to be able to learn in the most realistic way attracted their attention to stay at the
University of Manresa.
Finally, they tell us about the facilities that the university provides them. They are happy since
they have classes, special class areas for study, a meeting area, an area to rest and discuss
things with your friends, that is, they provide everything you need to be comfortable and perform

Roxana and Paulina are very satisfied with having chosen this option and not having gone to
other universities. They tell us that they have been studying for a semester and a half and
although they have had problems when studying, they are very happy with the subjects and the
teachers. They value the way of teaching and being able to experience real cases that they will
encounter in their work life in the future.

Paulina Gonzalez and Roxana Popa

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