My FUB Experience: Learning Beyond the Classroom

I chose to study at the Fundació Universitària del Bages (FUB) in Manresa for some special reasons. What really made FUB stand out to me were its paid internship program and the real-life simulations they offer.

FUB is in Manresa, a lively place that feels just right for students. The university doesn’t just focus on what we learn in books; it also really cares about giving us real skills we can use in jobs later. This approach is super important to me.

The paid internships are a big deal. Not only do I get to work in real job settings, which is great for my resume, but I also get paid. This helps a lot with my student expenses. It’s a win-win because I learn and earn at the same time.

Then, there are the simulations of real-life situations. These aren’t just regular class projects. We get to tackle real problems, sort of like what we would face in a job. It’s a cool way to see how to use what we learn in the real world. This hands-on learning makes me feel more ready for work after I graduate.

So, choosing FUB was about getting ready for the future. I wanted a place that would prepare me not just academically but also give me a head start in my career. With its practical focus, I’m confident that studying at FUB is the right step for getting the skills and experience I need.

David Masip

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