What do you know about neuromarketing? Do you know you can study consumer’s behaviour? Discover what it is and how it can helps to your business strategy! Neuromarketing is the application of neuroscience to marketing. Its aim is to know and understand the level of attention people pays to different stimuli. Therefore, it studies people’s... Continue Reading →

There are 9 reasons to study in FUB

When finishing high school studies, we must consider what degree we want to study and inwhich university we want to do it. It is a stage in which many doubts arise; Is this the careerI should choose? Will I be able to get in with my qualifications? Will I have to travelevery day to study?... Continue Reading →

9 Reasons to Study at FUB

Here there are 9 reasons why you should consider doing your academic studies at UManresa FUB. FUB university camus facilities When finishing high school studies, we must consider what degree we want to study and in which university we want to do it. It is a stage in which many doubts arise; Is this the... Continue Reading →

Are you an entrepreneur? This article is for you!

Entrepreneurship is continue growing by the hand of technology and innovation, so nowadays the most  disruptive trends come from new digital companies. Online startups are a brilliant alternative with which you can develop your project with less time, less money but more effectively.  Pablo Picasso said one day “Every child is an artist, the problem... Continue Reading →

Corporate communication: then, now and future

The truth is that the way that an organization communicates can be the difference between success and failure. Undervaluing it could shorten the business’s life.  It’s not a secret that we as humans rely on communication to survive, since we finally established the first cities and became sedentary. Nowadays, communication is also used in the... Continue Reading →


Nowadays, the use of electronic devices by kids is growing substantially. What consequences does it has in the long term? Is nowadays childhood better or worse than old generations which spent their time playing on the streets? This is a question that much people try to answer to  themselves and it’s difficult to know the... Continue Reading →

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